Nokia’s 5 cameras are all on the same side | #PNWeekly 321

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You know, there was a time when the fall season meant interesting new TV shows. Remember when pumpkin spice lattes weren’t so much a thing? How about when the weather turned cold? And the only thing that happened past September 1 in our world was the Apple event.

Well, we’ve got lots to look forward to through the holidays including five cameras on the back of a Nokia phone, a four-digit Snapdragon for bona fide computers and Fortnite crossplay across Android devices! Sorry, Sony.

Oh yeah, and there’s the new iPhone. All that and more as we settle in for another show, it’s the Pocketnow Weekly!

Watch the YouTube video recorded at 2:00pm Eastern on August 31st or check out the high-quality audio version right here or through AppleGoogle, our RSS and wherever you get your podcasts. Talk back live while you’re watching the show on Twitter with #PNWeekly and shoot feedback to the hosts at [email protected]!

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Nokia’s 5 cameras are all on the same side | #PNWeekly 321 Nokia’s 5 cameras are all on the same side | #PNWeekly 321 Reviewed by Unknown on 10:54 PM Rating: 5

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